Let's work together to find healing and restore wellness.

50 Minute Zoom
Grief Education & Wellness

Work with Margaret Meder to explore healing after loss.  Appointments are 50 minutes long on Zoom.  Discuss with Margaret your unique loss, integrate breath work, meditation and learn simple Jin Shin Jyutsu acupressure.  Explore special topics of your choice.

50 Minute in person
Grief Education & Wellness

You lead the direction of the session, if you would like to have a support session through conversation or experience the ancient healing art of Jin Shin Jyutsu light touch therapy.  JSJ is similar to acupuncture but without the needles.  Harmonize and balance mind, body, spirit.  Release stuck emotions and ease physical pain.  Margaret has been a Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner since 2017. 

How to Get Started

1. Book your totally free introductory session.  
Share your story, get your questions answered and see if coaching with me is right for you.
2. Work with me in my Exhaling Grief 1:1 
Individually Personalized Grief and Wellness Program.
3. Enjoy a new beginning
Experience healing and wellness. Find meaning, peace and even bring joy anew.

Areas of Expertise

Grief and Loss EducatioN

Jin Shin Jyutsu®

Angel Attendant Training®

Expressive and Inspired Writing

Child Loss

Pet LosS

What My Clients Say

“I met Margaret about one month after my son passed away suddenly without explanation.  Although the circumstances were awful, I was fortunate to have met Margaret when I did.  When I lost my Ethan, I genuinely felt like I “lost him” and was praying for answers or clues as to where he could be, how he was doing, and where I could find him.  I was not coping well.


Because Margaret understands this unique kind of pain she was able to help me find peace in the emotional chaos that comes after losing a child.   She also helped to ground me and empower me.  Through our conversations, I have learned that my son and I still have a connection that is still very much alive, and can never be broken because we are bound by love, which is unbreakable.  Margaret’s unique spiritual connection is priceless and we should never forget that our own love connections to our loved ones transcend the grief and pain that comes when they pass away.”

Amy Wood

Mom to Ethan, son in spirit

Get Started on Your Healing Journey

Loss is complicated and it’s also possible to find healing and wellness. It’s possible to find meaning, new connections, and transformational experiences.  It’s important to take time to process loss. When we take time to honor our loss and prioritize our own wellness, then we can move forward with the lives we are still meant to have.