
My son Evan was born in 2004 with Apert Syndrome.  This is a rare and complex craniofacial syndrome that causes the bones of the skull to be fused together (normally there are 6 separate bones that allow for growth of the brain).  Also the fingers and toes are fused together.  If you’ve seen the movie Wonder, Evan lived through many of the same things that Auggie did, just a slightly different condition.  

Typically kids with Apert Syndrome also have the sweetest personality and are very enthusiastic fun loving people.  And this was definitely true for Evan. He loved life.  He loved to sing, dance, and play.  He loved cars and Hot Wheels.  He played on the Miracle League baseball team.  He had a lot of friends who supported and loved him.  Connecting with people was Evan’s superhero skill.

Evan had the most amazing effect on everyone he met.  People would meet Evan and just be inspired to be a better person, do more in life.  Because they would see all the challenges he had, yet he was so happy and lived life to his fullest.

He lived his life enthusiastically and courageously, despite having about a dozen reconstructive surgeries and challenges breathing due to a narrowed trachea (windpipe).  Unfortunately, what was to be his final surgery in a 9 year treatment plan, proved too difficult to recover from, and he died on May 22, 2013.  He has shown me that love never dies and can even outshine grief.

Compelled to honor Evan's legacy, I've been led to Transformational Experiences

Transformational experiences including coaching, meditation, intuitive studies, Jin Shin Jyutsu acupressure, inspired writing, Grief Educator Certification and growth experiences I could never have predicted would occur.


These experiences allowed me to process my grief, to heal, and to connect with deeper aspects of myself and the universe.


Ultimately, because of coaching and other transformative experiences, I’ve been able to find wellness and embrace joy in life once again.


That’s why it’s my passion and mission to help parents and others suffering loss to find new ways to harmonize pain, find solace, and gain deep understanding.

What My Clients Say

“I met Margaret about one month after my son passed away suddenly without explanation.  Although the circumstances were awful, I was fortunate to have met Margaret when I did.  When I lost my Ethan, I genuinely felt like I “lost him” and was praying for answers or clues as to where he could be, how he was doing, and where I could find him.  I was not coping well.


Because Margaret understands this unique kind of pain she was able to help me find peace in the emotional chaos that comes after losing a child.   She also helped to ground me and empower me.  Through our conversations, I have learned that my son and I still have a connection that is still very much alive, and can never be broken because we are bound by love, which is unbreakable.  Margaret’s unique spiritual connection is priceless and we should never forget that our own love connections to our loved ones transcend the grief and pain that comes when they pass away.”

Amy Wood

Mom to Ethan, son in spirit